Monday, February 7, 2011

Safety Net

Morning Meeting is one of my most treasured times with my students. Monday's Meeting is usually my favorite. Over the last year and a half, we have really become somewhat of a family. If they only knew how much I've learned and grown from them... I've been able to share the most important happenings (good and bad) with this particular group of kids. Kids have lost parents, grandparents, and pets. Through our conversations, I've been  part of family gatherings, traditions, new siblings, and birthday parties. How lucky am I?!?! I've always shared about myself, my family, and what is happening in my life too. How can I expect them to feel safe and comfortable if I don't do the same?

Today was a little different. I wasn't at school all of last week. I went home Friday feeling pretty bad. I packed up a bag and figured I would get my work done over the weekend after some rest. I went straight to bed and didn't really leave until I went to Prompt Care on Sunday afternoon. The flu. UGH. High fever, chills, MISERABLE. I called for a substitute, complaining the whole time that "I needed to be at work". I spent Monday and Tuesday in bed. I was feeling a lot better when I got a phone call about the sudden death of my grandmother. To say the least, my grandmother and I were incredibly close. She even visited my class last year to talk about our family tree. She had EMBARRASSING pictures of me and the rest of my family. My students loved it and so did she. I didn't return to work at all last week.

I was really excited about returning today. Well, I will be honest, I was terrified and excited at the same time! Could I hold it together? Could I answer the questions I knew they would have? So... I arrived this morning and and waited anxiously for their arrival. They came in one by one with the biggest smiles and warmest greetings. They were SO happy to see me and I felt the same! There wasn't one kid who didn't come and hug me. I was bombarded with hugs, cards, and smiles.

When we gathered for our Morning Meeting, we shared about our weekends as usual. When it came my turn to share, I talked about having the flu and how we really needed to be better about washing our hands (in true teacher fashion). Then I also told them that I had some sad news as well. I was SO nervous. I told them that about my grandmother and that I was feeling a little sad. I've been surrounded by the security blanket of my family for the last several days and today was no different. Here were these amazing kids who gave me one of the greatest gifts. They expressed how sorry they were, gave me permission to cry (so cute), and promised to be really good! Although this post doesn't directly apply to our curriculum, it is a true testament of the sense of community that we have. Can any of us access the curriculum with out that? Much like a family, we have built relationships that have taught us all the real value of trust, communication, and honesty. By sharing with them and allowing them to be more a part of my life,  will only deepen the sense of community in our room. I'm trying to "practice what I preach."

This post isn't meant to focus on my loss. It is about the strength and power there is in this true community of learners. At our best and our worst, we get though our days together. Every student has made tremendous academic and social growth over the last year and a half. I would like to think that the safety net that we have built in our classroom has something to do with that. I'm learning so much from them. I think they saw that today. I think they saw me as a real person.

I need to blog more. I need to post kids work. The things they do each day amaze me. I believe in them and they believe in me. This class have given me a whole new definition of family. Stay tuned and keep pressuring me to document this amazing journey!